The course describes Differences between living and non-living; Cell structure; Mitosis; Meiosis; Simple tissues; Protoplasm; Protozoa - characteristics, classification, the amoeba; Protozoa -Trypanosoma; Protozoa - Plasmodium, Entamoeba; Protozoa - Eimeria; Platyhelminthes - characteristics and classification; Platyhelminthes - Fasciola hepatica; Platyhelminthes - F. hepatica contd.; Nematoda - characteristics and classification; Animal parasitic nematodes; Plant parasitic nematodes; Annelida -classification and characteristics; Earthworm and its importance, L. terrestris; Arthropoda - characteristics and classification; Crustacea - classification and characteristics The shrimp; Insecta - classification and economic importance; The cockroach; Methods of insect control; Zoological nomenclature and classification; Survey of some economic insect pests in Guyana; Survey of Phylum molusca - classification, economic significance; The snail - Pemacea sp.; Pest damage by snail; Echinodermata - classification and economic importance; Pisces - classification and economic importance; Adaptations of Pisces; Reptilia - classification and economic significance; Aves - classification, characteristics, economic importance; Adaptations of Aves; Mammalia - classification and economic significance.