This course deals with the two receptive skills: reading and listening. It is intended to develop in the student a critical appreciation of the written word. Students will be advised on effective reading habits and encouraged to set personal reading goals as well as develop personal read ing plans. As a concomitant to critical reading, students will learn to write reviews and critiques of written material. On the listening side, the course is designed to help students become aware of the skills of receiving and understanding language and other types of information. Students will have the opportunity to interpret verbal messages. They will also be introduced to different listening occasions. Assessment for this course will be based mainly on such reviews and critiques, and the achievement of the personal reading goals.
- Semester One 2023-2024: JOHN BWAMBALE
- Semester One 2023-2024: twesige chris
- Semester One 2023-2024: REBECCA EKIKOZE
- Semester One 2023-2024: ROBINAH INYONU
- Semester One 2023-2024: SUSAN KAGOYA
- Semester One 2023-2024: LINCOLN KAKUMA
- Semester One 2023-2024: Alex Mulongo
- Semester One 2023-2024: LYDIA MWEBAZA
- Semester One 2023-2024: Joselyne Nakibuuka
- Semester One 2023-2024: GRACE NAMATA
- Semester One 2023-2024: NICHOLAS NAMUGERA
- Semester One 2023-2024: REHEMA NJOREGWA
- Semester One 2023-2024: MORAGWA ONYANCHA
- Semester One 2023-2024: BENJAMIN WAFUBA
- Étudiants inscrits: 14