This course will provide basic comparative knowledge in religions, practices and values with the aim of helping students to develop respect for other religions and grow in maturity in all areas of human life.
- Semester One 2023-2024: Norah Ademun
- Semester One 2023-2024: FIONA AKULLU
- Semester One 2023-2024: Betty Alungat
- Semester One 2023-2024: Martha Amoit
- Semester One 2023-2024: Manjeri Among
- Semester One 2023-2024: Jackline Buteme
- Semester One 2023-2024: Martha Ikur
- Semester One 2023-2024: Catherine Kabasa
- Semester One 2023-2024: Shamimu Mugala
- Semester One 2023-2024: Peter Mujoga
- Semester One 2023-2024: Dison Nakhwashe
- Semester One 2023-2024: Sharon Namukuta
- Semester One 2023-2024: MAWEJJE NANTUME
- Semester One 2023-2024: Judith Nekesa
- Semester One 2023-2024: Denish Okello
- Semester One 2023-2024: Patrick Olupot
- Semester One 2023-2024: Agatha Owomugisha
- Semester One 2023-2024: ALICE RHITA
- Semester One 2023-2024: PETER TUSINGWIRE
- Semester One 2023-2024: Stephen Wepukhulu
- Étudiants inscrits: 20