This course introduces students to food science and nutrition as specialty areas related to biochemistry.  Students are introduced to dietary standards and their applications and to food composition, food composition tables and their applications.  Proteins, carbohydrates and fats as well as energy and nitrogen balance.  Also covered are aspects of food microbiology, food processing and preservation and food spoilage.  Techniques for assessing human nutritional status are presented, with a focus on biochemical techniques.  The absorption, utilization and functions of the micronutrients of public health interest:  Vitamin A, iron and iodine are discussed as are the deficiency disorders: Iodine Deficiency Disorders, Vitamin A Deficiency and Iron Deficiency and nutritional anaemia.  Students are also given an overview of the inter-relationship between nutrition and infection.  Lastly, primary nutritional diseases of particular importance to Uganda are introduced, including oedematous malnutrition and a biochemical analysis of the different theories of its aetiology is given.

  • Enseignant: Mary Apolot
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.