The course is designed to enable students understand and appreciate the beauty of the environment in which they live. As a result, they become conscious in protecting it from degradation through disposal. The topics include social responsibility, environmental ethical considerations, preservation and sustainability, water and sanitation, ecological principles, human population, resources, Environment and Technology, environmental quality and pollution, Waste product management /treatment, legal and administrative framework for EIA/EA, stakeholder and public participation in EIA/EA; environmental economics; environmental management systems standard and practices ;environmental information systems for EIA/EA; EIA methods ; environmental auditing; strategic environmental assessment; EIA/EA report writing; EIA/EA project report; review and decision making process; environmental management plan; EIA/EA project management; Social Impact Assessment (SIA); industrial ecology; occupational health & safety management; mainstreaming EIA/EA in organizations; multilateral environmental agreements and EIA; EIA case studies.
- Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.